


Posts in Prostate Cancer Awareness
Prostate Cancer Guide — A comprehensive resource on caregiving for a prostate cancer diagnosis

Despite increasing optimism about treatment, today’s cancer landscape can be challenging as patients and caregivers have access to an unprecedented amount of information. Caregivers can be friends, family, or loved ones. Anyone can be a caregiver for a man with prostate cancer.

Caregivers may take on many roles during a man’s prostate cancer journey. When a loved one is diagnosed with prostate cancer, those around him may find that they quickly have to become an information specialist, a financial advisor, a medical translator, and a source of emotional support.

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Prostate Cancer Guide — A comprehensive resource on prostate cancer for patients and families.

There are no two ways about it: getting diagnosed with cancer is hard and life-changing. Despite increasing optimism about treatment, today’s cancer landscape can be challenging as patients have access to an unprecedented amount of information.

The team at the International Prostate Cancer Foundation has worked hard to create a comprehensive guide on prostate cancer.

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