



Orlando Sentinel features Dr. Patel & The Real Reason for PSA Screening

Being advocates for awareness & knowledge, the International Prostate Cancer Foundation shares with you opposing opinions in the fight against cancer with the belief that as individuals we have the right to be fully informed. 20130607-104804.jpg

Just recently, FOX 35 covered the lead story in the Orlando Sentinel highlighting the new “truths” behind various cancer-screening tests including those for breast, prostate, colon, lung and cervical cancer. While we at the IPCF are strong proponents of screening, a growing body of counterintuitive evidence is emerging and we encourage you to be aware of both sides as you define your own stance. As the debate develops some argue that certain cancers, regardless of screening & detection, are cancers that men and women die with, not of.

Our founder, Dr. Vipul Patel has expressed “... what is lost in the debate is that we’re taking away a man’s right to know...”.

Apart from whether screening & detection offer an indisputable road to a cure, ask yourself the value you place on simply having - clear knowledge & control of your health and options.

Read the full Orlando Sentinel article and form your own opinion!