



Nutrition Strategies for a Prostate Healthy Diet

Food is more than just fuel. The foods you eat can help reduce the risk of chronic disease and keep you feeling young. A healthy eating style includes a variety of foods from all the food groups. The foods we eat help power us and provide energy throughout the day. They fuel our brains to help us think as well as our bodies for physical activity. The number of calories needed each day varies depending on a number of factors, like weight, height, muscle mass and activity level. An estimated calorie range for moderately active adult males falls between 2,200 to 2,800 calories per day, depending on age.

Whether you’re looking to shift into a healthier lifestyle or you’ve recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer you can find shopping lists, guidance on how to eat healthier, and recipes in the resources center of the website.

Balancing your diet can be a challenge at the best of times, but when going through a cancer journey it is even more important. The right balance of proteins and calories can help your body stay strong and healthy — before, during, and after cancer treatment. Nutrition is an important part of cancer treatment.  From changes in taste, to appetite lose and overall fatigue, you may face several challenges. This is common for people living with cancer. Consider the following tips when selecting which foods you plan to eat throughout the day.

Check with Your Doctor
It's important to talk with your doctor before embarking on any major changes to your diet, including taking any vitamins or supplements on your own. Some vitamins and supplements can affect your prostate cancer treatment.

You Are What You Eat
When you eat healthy food and exercise, your whole body is affected in a positive way. A healthier lifestyle means making smart choices whenever possible.

Below are some things to keep in mind regarding your nutrition.

Count Your Calories:
To maintain your weight, monitor your intake of fat calories

Read nutrition labels:
NO foods high in total fat, saturated fat, & cholesterol

Watch your portion sizes: Do not overeat. Eat smaller portions of food.

Choose the most nutritionally rich foods you can from each food group each day — low calorie foods packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other essential nutrient.